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  • LCI Ride/Classes - Kasmark

LCI Ride/Classes - Kasmark

  • Saturday, May 21, 2016
  • 9:00 AM
  • 31621 Walker Road, Avon Lake, OH, 44012


Registration is closed

Each day of the series will consist of a class and a nice quiet ride through the lightly traveled streets of Bay Village and Avon Lake. 

Preregistration required for each day. The instruction  is free to all Silver Wheels members in good standing. Students will need to make a one time purchase of a Smart Cycling 101 work book for $12.00, or get it on-line from the League of American Bicyclists for $20.00.  Due to insurance issues guest registrations will not be accepted.   

We will be working with material from the LAB Smart Cycling 101 curriculum and the Safe Cycling Practices of the Club.  Class size  will be limited, with content tailored to the needs of the student.


Please park on the north end of parking lot facing the drive.

Yes, sinks and flush potties are available, along with a scenic lake & picnic pavilion.

Any questions, please contact, Mark Kasmark at:




Copyright 2025 Silver Wheels Cycling Club | Dog Days Wine Tour 

Silver Wheels Cycling Club is a 501 C(7) non-profit organization. P.O.Box 242 Vermilion, Oh 44089

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