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  • All* Chili Wiener, Oberlin Depot

All* Chili Wiener, Oberlin Depot

  • Saturday, November 18, 2017
  • 9:30 AM (EST)
  • 240 South Main St., Oberlin, OH, 44074


  • Person coming to the event.

Registration is closed

Annual Chili Wiener Ride, Nov. 18th at the Oberlin Depot

WHY:    It is a traditional ride and potluck marking the end of the 2017 riding season. (And we like to ride and eat!)

9:30   a.m.      Depot opens for food drop off.
10:00 a.m.      Rides start at 10am.
Noon              Commence eating. 
Club will supply all paper-ware, coffee, water, hot dogs and condiments.  We are looking for volunteers to make their world famous chili...or maybe slightly-less famous……. we are not picky eaters!  Side dishes are also appreciated. 
If you can bring chili, please contact Sue Wells at:
We are also looking for a ride leader for the 4*, (4 star), level.  If you are willing to lead, please contact Jim Pankow at: 

Let’s hope that riding-type weather prevails!
In case the weather is not to your liking that day for biking, the weather is always good for eating! You will usually find a group of Silver Wheelers playing board games if the weather is bad.  If the amusement options are dull, we will be playing bored games.
While NOT REQUIRED, advance registration, (click on the Registration button), is helpful to the host for planning.          

Mark your calendars and let's top the great turnout of the Halloween ride/potluck; contact Jim or Sue for questions or information.
And……..special thanks to Rich Kolofer for being our Depot host!!!
Ride      Leader 
1*            Dick Jacquemotte
2*            Steve, the”Oz”
3*            Pat “the Corn Queen” Serio
4*             Rob Hipskind                         
This is the last ride of the 2017 riding season.  All mileage after this ride is credited toward the 2018 totals.

Click below For Routes/Cues:


Copyright 2025 Silver Wheels Cycling Club | Dog Days Wine Tour 

Silver Wheels Cycling Club is a 501 C(7) non-profit organization. P.O.Box 242 Vermilion, Oh 44089

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