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  • 3*/4+* Oberlin ACE - Klepak/ Roob 25 miles

3*/4+* Oberlin ACE - Klepak/ Roob 25 miles

  • Wednesday, June 21, 2017
  • 5:30 PM
  • 293 South Main St., Oberlin, 44074


It's Back!  Due to popular demand - and willing ride leaders, the 3*,4+* tonight will use a "Star Chase" format.

All rides included in the star chase use the same route.  Unlike typical club rides, the leaders of the higher levels will not slow from their stated pace to accommodate riders who are unable to keep up, leaving them to be "picked up" by a trailing slower group.  The lowest participating star level will not leave anyone behind.  If you wanted to try a higher star level, but were worried you would slow the group, this is your chance.  If you wish to ride at your regular level with your usual ride buddies, not a problem.

After the rides a lot of the folks get together for a little pizzaraderie at a local eatery.  Not manditory - but fun. Ask around in interested..

New folks.  Just ask someone to point you to a ride leader or other veteran member to get you in the appropriate group.

Level             Leader           Mileage        Route/Cues

3*                 Klepak                 25             6/21 Star Chase


4+/O*           Roob                  "                   "

                   target 17.5-18.5 mph


Copyright 2025 Silver Wheels Cycling Club | Dog Days Wine Tour 

Silver Wheels Cycling Club is a 501 C(7) non-profit organization. P.O.Box 242 Vermilion, Oh 44089

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