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Advance RWGPS Route Planning

  • Monday, May 06, 2019
  • 1:00 PM

Advanced RWGPS Route Planning

The article below was in the April Rollin’.  There were 3 ride leaders that expressed interest and we have room for one more.  Please contact Rob Hipskind if you are a ride leader that already uses the software and you would like the last seat!  

Ride with GPS - Ride Leaders Only

We had two basic RWGPS set up and beginner user question and answer sessions in March. Thank you to those that stopped by for some set up help and user tips. Many of the help items we discussed, like setting up your phone verbal navigation, conserving your phone battery on longer rides, setting privacy settings, and printing your own cue sheet, can be found on this page - https://silverwheelscyclingclub.wildapricot.org/Training. And remember, Ride Leaders can always pick an existing route from our RWGPS Club Library to lead without having to edit the route or be a Route Manager - (https://silverwheelscyclingclub.wildapricot.org/Training#existing).

So, what’s next? Rick and I will be holding a small training session in late April or early May for Ride Leaders that want to learn more about how to plan a route using the Silver Wheels’ Ride with GPS Club account. This session is for members that routinely lead club rides and already have a RWGPS account and some basic knowledge. If you are interested in this small group session, please send Rob an email at hipskind@mac.com by April 15th and we will select a date and time that works for the majority of people. If you do plan on attending, your pre-homework is to review these two help videos in advance. 



Copyright 2025 Silver Wheels Cycling Club | Dog Days Wine Tour 

Silver Wheels Cycling Club is a 501 C(7) non-profit organization. P.O.Box 242 Vermilion, Oh 44089

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